CIMPLICITY Configuration Microservice exposes a set of APIs that enable you to configure a CIMPLICITY project. The base URL is https://localhost:9443/cim-config/v1
Get | /projects/{projectId} returns the project name for the given project id |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/classes returns the list of classes in a project |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/devices returns an array of devices in the project optionally filtered by port prefix |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/historianConnections returns a list of historianConnections in a project that satisfy the filter criteria |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/historianConnections Creates or updates an array of historian connections in the project |
Post | /Projects/{projectId}/historianConnections:batchDelete Deletes an array of historain connections in the project |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/historianConnections:read Gets an array of historian connection objects that satisfy the filter criteria specified in the request body. |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/objects returns a list of objects in a project that satisfy the filter criteria |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/objects Creates or updates an array of objects in the project |
Post | /Projects/{projectId}/objects:batchDelete Deletes an array of objects in the project |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/objects:read Gets an array of class Objects that satisfy the filter criteria specified in the request body. |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/operationsHub-settings Add or individually modify parameters related to Operations Hub |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/points Gets an array of point objects that satisfy the query criteria |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/points Creates or updates an array of points in the project |
Post | /Projects/{projectId}/points:batchDelete Deletes an array of points in the project |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/points:read Gets an array of point objects that satisfy the filter criteria specified in the request body. |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/resources returns a list of resources in a project that satisfy the filter criteria |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/resources Creates or updates an array of resources in the project |
Post | /Projects/{projectId}/resources:batchDelete Deletes an array of resources in the project |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/resources:read Gets an array of resource objects that satisfy the filter criteria specified in the request body. |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/roles returns a list of roles in a project that satisfy the filter criteria |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/roles Creates or updates an array of roles in the project |
Post | /Projects/{projectId}/roles:batchDelete Deletes an array of roles in the project |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/roles:read Gets an array of role objects that satisfy the filter criteria specified in the request body. |
Get | /Projects/{projectId}/runningStatus returns a running status of the CIMPLICITY project |
Post | /Projects/{projectId}/runningStatus start or stop a CIMPLICITY project |
Post | /Projects/{projectId}/runningStatus:read Deletes an array of objects in the project |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/SQLConnections Gets an array of SQL connections objects that satisfy the query criteria |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/SQLConnections Creates or updates an array of sql connections in the project |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/SQLConnections:read Gets an array of SQL Connections that satisfy the filter criteria specified in the request body. |
Get | /projects/{projectId}/users returns a list of users in a project that satisfy the filter criteria |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/users Creates or updates an array of users in the project |
Post | /Projects/{projectId}/users:batchDelete Deletes an array of users in the project |
Post | /projects/{projectId}/users:read Gets an array of users objects that satisfy the filter criteria specified in the request body. |
Post | /rest-settings modifies rest settings of multiple projects |
Get | /service-settings returns settings that can be used by the client |
Post | /user-config creates or modifies a user |
CimSQLConnection | Fields that describe the connection to a SQL connection |
CimSQLTableConnection | Fields that describe the connection to a SQL connection |
CimProjectUser | Fields that need to be specfied for creating a user before enabling rest configuration for project |
CimProject | Fields that need to be specfied for modifying rest settings of project |
CimHistorianConnection | Fields that describe the connection to a historian server |
CimResource | Fields that describe the resource |
CimUser | Fields that describe the user |
CimRole | Fields that describe the role |
CimPrivileges | Contains the previliges related to security |
CimConfigurationPrivileges | Contains the previliges related to configuration security |
CimOpcUaDeviceContext | Fields that describe the context for referencing an OPC UA Devices NodeIds |
CimAttribute | is an object that represents an attribute of an object. |
CimDataItem | is an object that represents a dataitem of an object. |
CimObjectInstance | is an object that describe a CIMPLICITY class object instance |
CimPoint | fields that describe a CIMPLICITY point |
CimDerivedPoint | Contains the properties pertaining to Derived Point Configuration |
CimDevicePoint | object contains the device information for a CIMPLICITY point. |
CimEngineeringUnits | object contains the conversion information for converting a point from raw device units to real-world units. Conversion can either be linear or based on a conversion expression |
CimClassDataItemExpression | is a object to configure the expression attributes |
CimMeasurementUnit | Represents measurement unit. |
CimPointEnum | Represents a point enum that contains a list of point enum fields. |
CimPointEnumField | Represents a point enum field that associates a text string with an integer point value. |
CimPointAlarm | object contains the point alarm information for a CIMPLICITY point |
CimAlarm | object provides an interface to CIMPLICITY Alarm configuration |
CimTrendPtBuffer | object contains the trend point buffering information for a CIMPLICITY point |
ItemResult | result information about each item in a create/update/delete request |
CimSQLConnectionType | |
CimUserType | |
CimRunningStatus | |
CimPointTypesEnum | |
CimPointCalcTypesEnum | Specifies calculation types of points |
CimDpInitStateEnum | Specifies initial value for a global or derived point. |
CimMMSAddressTypeEnum | MMS types |
CimDeviceTriggerEnum | defines the trigger condition for a device point. See the Point Configuration documentation for additional information |
CimUpdateCriteriaEnum | defines update criterias available for device points. The particular types of update that are actually available depend on the device communication module being used |
CimExpressionOperandTypesEnum | Specifies the browser type |
CimChangeapprovalEnum | defines different change approval data setting. The numeric value of these enumerations can be used in an expression of a class data item for the $APPROVAL_TYPE field |
CimAlarmDelOptEnum | defines the deletion options available for an alarm |
CimPointAlarmEnum | defines types of alarming available |
CimPointOriginEnum | defines the orgin types for a point |
CimTimeUnitEnum | defines units for time values |
ProblemDetails | Response data when a request fails |
ItemsPostResponse | The results of the create/update/delete operations. |
PointsPostResponse | The results of the point create/update/delete operations. |
SQLGetResponse | The results of the points get query |
PointsGetResponse | The results of the points get query. |
HistorianConnectionsGetResponse | The results of the historian connections get query. |
ResourcesGetResponse | The results of the resources get query. |
RolesGetResponse | The results of the roles get query. |
ClassObjectResponse | The results of the objects get query |
UsersGetResponse | The results of the users get query. |
RunningStatusGetResponse | The running status of the CIMPLICITY project. |
ServerSettings | The results of the Settings Get. |
ProjectData | Information about the CIMPLICITY project |
deviceData | CIMPLICITY class definition |
scadaClass | CIMPLICITY class definition |
dataItem | A data item in a class (becomes a point on an object) |
compositeMember | one child composite member of the class |
ObjectFilter | Filter used for objects |
SQLFilter | Filter used for SQL connections |
Filters | An object which provides an interface for filters to read point configuration |
HistConnectionFilters | An object which provides an interface for filters to read historian connections configuration |
ResourceFilters | An object which provides an interface for filters to read resources |
RoleFilters | An object which provides an interface for filters to read roles |
UserFilters | An object which provides an interface for filters to read users |